banking service chronicle

banking service chronicle
banking service chronicle

Saturday 10 November 2018

Competition refresher monthly magazine

Competition refresher monthly magazine

 this article about President gives assent to Karnataka Good Samaritan Protection Bill, 2016 is on page 28 of competition refresher magazine
Competition refresher monthly magazine President Ram Nath Kovind recently gave his assent to the Karnataka Good Samaritan and Medical Professional (Protection and Regulation During Emergency Situations) Bill, 2016. success The legislation aims to give protection to Good Samaritans, ensure immediate medics assistance for road accident victim within the 'golden hour', am encourage people to offer first aid ti victims without the fear of legal wrangles. chanakya ias academy In medical terms, the 'golden hour' is the first hour after a traumatic injury when emergency .treatment is very -crucial Karnataka is one of the top States that recorded deaths ir road accidents. Legislative Assembly Speaker K.R. Ramesh Kumar, who wa! Health and Family Welfare Minister, civil service exam piloted the Bill. Under the new law, the government will provide financia, help to Good Samaritans who help victims. They will be exempted from repeated attendance in courts and police stations, and in case attendance is mandatory, expenses of such "running around to courts and police stations" will be taken care throLigh the proposed Good Samaritan Fund.

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